This blog is a record of my learning from Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. through to Tamaki College.
Friday, 23 November 2018
Athletics day
Today Panmure Bridge had athletics day. We did 9 different obstacles and had 4 different colour groups. There was team red, green, blue and yellow. I was in team yellow group B, I was teamed with Julian, Fraidoon, Ofa and Kanye. We had a good time and managed to win a few games against the our teams.
Group effort,
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
Read Theory Progress
Today the whole of LS2 have been going through our Read Theory progresses. This Bar graph shows my progress though out the year. It also shows my biggest grade and my lowest grade.
Read Theory,
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
WW1 Questions
Today we got to do a challenge about WW1 for Inquiry. I created this DLO with Magenta. We Wrote two questions and then gave our answers with proof as well. The reason why we choose these questions is because we thought these questions were very interesting. What I really like about doing this challenge is how we got to learn more about WW1 and learn the story behind WW1.
Friday, 9 November 2018
Armistice Day Commemoration
This morning Panmure Bridge School had our own Armistice Day Commemoration to remember those that lost their lives in WW1. We had a representative of the New Zealand Defence Force and some of our Board of Trustees who attended our commemoration. The whole school created our own poppies that were then placed on a cross that had sand in it so that the poppies would stand, we had also had a class poppy each for each class that our classroom signed that was place on our fence.
Armistice Day,
Friday Afternoon
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Armistice Day - 11.11.1918
Tomorrow the whole of Panmure Bridge School will attending a commemoration to remember those that lost there lives for us to be free without no conflict.
Armistice Day,
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Battle of Somme
This week in Mrs Anderson group we have been focused on the Battle of the Somme we learnt lots of different things and I enjoyed it.
Class Effort,
Friday, 26 October 2018
Tech Reflection
This morning LS2 went to tech and I went to graphics with my group when went got to Tamaki College. Our focus was on designing our charity boxes that we got given my Mr Peneda. My charity box is on Breast Cancer.
Friday, 19 October 2018
Shake out!
Yesterday was Shake out day and Nyjah and Myself created a Screen Castify telling you what to do when a earthquake hits this screen castify tells important information on what to do when there is a earthquake hopefully this screen castify can help save someones life.
Shake out!
That was Spring / Poem
For writing this week our focus has been on illustrating. I enjoyed doing this because we were given an example and parts of the poem we have to use but have a difference in the poem while reading.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Duffy Assembly

This morning we had a Duffy assembly. We had a guest come to our Duffy assembly today and his name was Michel Mulipola. He is a creator of comic books for example Head locked that is the name of one of his books. Today he told us things about him self and showed us a Slide of what he does and books he created. This morning we had a cool morning thanks to Michel Mulipola.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Why Do People Build Bridges?

This week our focus has been on structure the structure that we have focused on is bridges this explanation tells you why bridges are made and what they are used for. I hope the explanation of mine helps you and reminds you about why they are made. To open up the document click this Link
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Sky tower - Trip
This morning LS2 went on a outing to the Auckland sky tower. We had a great time, the thing I didn't like the most was the glass floors in the elevator and the glass floor at the top. This was my second time going to the sky tower and I think the second time I went was better than the first. We had helpers that supervised us and they were Mr Wong, Mr Dobson, Miss Linda, Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson. We had been sponsored by a man named Douglas Bates, that I would like to thank him for giving us this opportunity.
Why sleep is so important?
This week we have been learning about why sleep is so important. We created a DLO using the information we gathered from the internet and put them in our own words. We found the work that we gathered interesting because they were things we never knew before and things that can sometimes happen when we sleep.
Group effort,
Monday, 20 August 2018
Scale drawing - Enlargement
This week was maths week. For maths our focus was on scale drawing enlargements. Enlargement is when something starts of small and you make in bigger but it turns out looking the same or similar. Our Ratio was 1:2 and our scale factor was 2. This was my second time doing scale drawing in LS2. The last scale drawing I drew, a kitten. The best part of this scale drawing was doing the head. The hardest thing I did was the body because it took a while to do. Next time I will draw something that's more detailed.
Scale Drawing
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Tech reflection - Meat pie
Two weeks ago LS2 went to Tech. Im in food tech and we had made meat pies I had worked with Savelina and our pie came out being Delicious.
Tech Reflection
Kiwi Can Reflection
This morning LS2 group B went to Kiwi can. Our focus this week has been on resilience and goal settings. We played two activities this morning. Our first activity that we had played was rock, paper, scissors. The different's with this game is that if you lose you have to go on your knees and verse someone on there knees and if you win you stand back up and if you lose you sit down and your out. Today we had Mr M because Miss Lily had gone but we had a great time.
Kiwi Can,
Friday, 27 July 2018
Career DLO
Today I have been working on my Career choice DLO. This show why I find interest in this job and along with information that tells you what you need to learn in college and other types of information. I hope this DLO give you an idea on what you need to learn if you want to be a chef or a cook.
Career Blog post
Today in LS2 all of us as a class worked together to find out what careers and jobs we would love to do when we have left school. Our teacher Mrs Anderson had put a link on our inquiry site that led us to a site of jobs and careers that we could choose from. We had a good time doing this activity and really enjoyed doing this as well. Here is the link to the careers and jobs site. Here
Friday, 6 July 2018
Chicago Sport teams
This week when our teacher Mrs Anderson returned from her free holiday to Chicago we were given an awesome activity when she came back. We were given instructions to get into a group of five. Each of us had to find a sport team in Chicago. We all had fun making this DLO and enjoyed it as well.
Pros and Cons of living in a lighthouse
This morning I got this DLO posted onto my blog. This shows Pros and Cons (good and bad) things that could happen when you live in a lighthouse.
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Rattray lighthouse - For sale
Last week LS2 had sessions with Mr Johnston our Principle. Our focus had been on Lighthouses. We were given instructions to find a lighthouse that was for sale and we gave what it was called and how much it was in NZ dollars. I had a great time doing this activity thanks to Mr Johnston.
ASB - Get wise session
This morning after lunch LS2 had a session with a man named Jayden. We as a class had a good talk and a cool game that we had played with Jayden. We learnt how to Save, Spend and Share. We had a session about how we can spend money that is in our budget when we go for a holiday to Fiji. I learnt that we have to spend our money wisely or there is a consequence in the end.
ASB session,
Matariki Celebration
Yesterday was Matariki (Maori New Year). We had awesome performances from Pacifica, senior Kapahaka, Junior Kapahaka, Drumming and ukulele groups. After we all finished our Items we had sausages sizzles provided for us my Whaea Odie and they were cooked by Mr Ogilvie. Thanks to Whaea Odie for making this all happen and Mr Ogilvie for helping with the sausage sizzles.
Maori New Years,
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
What is Matariki?
This morning our focus has been on Matariki. We have been trying to learn about what Matariki is and how it works. We learnt a lot of different things about Matariki and I learnt some new things about Matariki that I didn't know.
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
M&M's Research
This week for maths our focus has been on M&M's. We had added facts about M&M's and the History about M&M's and so forth. This was counted as maths because we had to find out how many M&M's were in a small packet, the percentages of them and what colour we thought there was going to be more of.
Friday, 29 June 2018
Tech reflection
This morning at tech we made rock cakes/cookies. I was working with Kanye this morning and we got our cookies cooked perfectly and we had finished our cookies third, This is because we wanted to make sure they were brown and crispy which they came out.
Food technology,
Tech Reflection
Friday, 15 June 2018
Tech Reflection - Cooking
This morning at tech we made little quiches for food tech. We were given the same instructions as last week but had different ingredients. Today I did the cooking by myself because my partner didn't come to school. I found this fun because I got all the food to myself which was the best because they were yummy. When we finished we were given baking parchment paper to wrap our keshes. Sorry I couldn't get a photo of the quiches them self.
Tech Reflection
Thursday, 14 June 2018
Kiwi Can Reflection
This morning LS2 went to Kiwi can we had activities that were called 2 truths 1 lie, Green lights, GKQ and copy me. The game that I liked the most was green lights. I found this game fun because it involved working together in a pair or with a friend. Our Kiwi can teachers were Miss lily and Mr Matt. Our topic for today was accountability, which means responsibility for example getting ready for success.
Belonging at PBS
Today I blogged one of my Silver care awards DLO, this is my last a final care award to earn my respect badge. I can't wait to talk with Mr Johnston our Principal to have a meeting about getting my badge.
Silver Care Awards
Friday, 8 June 2018
Fraction Solving
Today I was working on my maths DLO which was about how I solve fraction. On this DLO it tells you the math question we were given and it tells you and show you how we solved the maths problem. This was an exciting and fun maths DLO to work on, it was hard at the start but doing the rest of it was easy.
1870 Clothing DLO
Today I have posted the DLO that Fui, Tiava, Lyric and I have made. This DLO shows what men wore in the 1870's. This DLO tells you what the clothing's were called in those days.
My life at PBS
This photo collage show what happens here in Panmure Bridge School. I added pictures of recent photo taken through out half this year and also last year. I added photo that were also of our tech and outing our school has done this half of the year.
Silver Care Awards
Tech Reflection - Cooking

This morning at tech Savelina and I baked Chocolate Chip muffins. We found this exciting and fun. We were glad that our muffins came out the way we wanted them to come. They were perfect and delicious. Savelina and I got six each and when they had warmed up we got to put wiped cream on top.
Food technology,
Tech Reflection
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Pou Whenua
At the start of this year Tiava, Shakaia, Miki, Carl and I were working on our school Pou Whenua. Each classroom is doing a Pou whenua and we chose a different design to other classrooms Pou Whenua. We chose a design that had the city the Mount wellington mountain and our classroom which connected with the tamaki river. We had so much fun doing our art skills and painting skills on this Pou Whenua. I will do another blog post of the Pou Whenua when its finished.
Silver Care Awards
Thursday, 31 May 2018
Reflexes experiment
Reflexes experiment
Jericho - I think I will be good at aural because i’m good at
Sky - I think im good at test 1 because my eyes send
messages to my brain fast .
Sky - I think im good at test 1 because my eyes send
messages to my brain fast .
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
My hypothesis was wrong but I was not surprised that sky beat me
because, it was scientifically proven that girls have better reflexes. The data shows that I was better at test 8 and not test 1. Jericho's data shows that he was better at test 7.
because, it was scientifically proven that girls have better reflexes. The data shows that I was better at test 8 and not test 1. Jericho's data shows that he was better at test 7.
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
Samoan Language Week - Traditional Tatau
This morning Brooklyn, Liane, Alayah and I were working on our Samoan Language week DLO which we talked about the traditional way of getting a Samoan tatau which means tattoo. We put on a Picture of the Samoan flag and added a video of a lady getting her tatau done on her back. Here the link to the video if it doesn't work.
Samoan language week
Monday, 21 May 2018
Fake iphone text messaging
Today I have been working on my fake iphone text messaging DLO. We had first gone on to a site called Fake iphone texting and we were writing texts and when I finished I took a screen shot of it and the added it onto a google drawing with my version on the opposite side of it.
Tech Reflection
This morning LS2 my classroom went to tech at tamaki college I did art. First we were given a spreadsheet to fill out and we were given instructions to find a Maori pattern and draw it out on a piece of paper that we were then going to carve our drawing on to our DIY wakahuia.
Tech Reflection
Monday, 14 May 2018
Skeletal system
Today for inquiry we played two games on one site. We had to label the parts of a skeleton and put the right bones on the right area of the body. Here is the link to the game.
Body system,
Skeletal system
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
Problem Solving / age
This week me and Sky worked out how old were the brothers with a little bit of help from Jack. At first we did the times tables challenge and I got a pretty good score for the first challenge. Also when we started this rich task it was very hard and confusing but we got more used to it in the end.
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
- Gentle
- Good
- Friendly
- Kind
- Fair
As long as a string: Meaning
It's how long the length of a string is
The joke
(she’s nice our teacher)
My Poem
Never use the word AWESOME, our teacher said.
It doesn’t mean a thing!
Try… Inspiring, Beautiful, Overtaking
Impressive, Magnificent, Breathtaking
Amazing, Wonderful, Intimidating -
the choice is as long as a string!
But please never use the word AWESOME,
It just doesn’t mean a thing!
(She’s AWESOME our teacher)
The Unfinished Drink
Today Brooklyn, Savelina and I were working on our Unfinished Drink DLO. We gave information about his bear we added a map of where the bottle of bear is and a 25 word summary and how we felt about this poem.
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
Mathematical me - body measurement
Today Nyjah and I were working on our DLO that is called Body Measurement we were given instructions to get into pairs and each pair was given a long piece of string that would be used to measure parts of our body and compare it to another body part. We were surprised that the length of your arm from wrist to elbow is the same as the length of your foot. We had fun doing this math activity. We also thought that we co-operated as a team very well.
Human body,
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
Sophisticated Picture book
Today Brooklyn and I were working on our google slide but today we are only blogging on slide each that we have finished I chose to blog our Sophisticated picture book slide.
Thursday, 12 April 2018
How to use a Protractor?
This morning my focus was on how to use a protractor. This explains how to use a protractor and the differences between a ruler and a protractor.
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Similes and Metaphors

Today John, San kyaw, Christopher, Affonzo, Tai, Shakaia and I were working on Similes and Metaphors for Reading. We were given a story to read and used the story as an example for us to use and make similes and metaphors out of. The similes were made up by our group.
This afternoon Shakaia, Nyjah and I were working on separate work sheet given to us. We to plus the numbers that were on our sheet and added a number to it to make it 180 here is one example: 72 + 46 + 33 = 180.
Today Christopher and I were giving each other feedback on what we thought about the way we worked together for this DLO. I thought that he had to work on somethings and things he did well.
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