Then we went trick or treating to this really rich house and when we knocked on the door it opened itself. I got scared and I wanted to go but I wanted Candy so I didn’t go. And then we went a bit closer and “BOO!” a person came out with a big scary voice and we all started to scream because we all got scared. But we were okay so then the man gave us all his Candy and then he went to by some more Candy for another kids that would come over. So he said “don’t tell the people that come here that I’m going to scare them okay or I will hunt you down”. But I didn’t really care because I knew he was just tricking me so we just left his house and set off to the next house.
The next house we went to was scarier than the other houses we went to. Also the house that we got scared from with the man who said “don’t tell the other people that i’m going to scare them all I will hunt you down” so I said can we please go now because it is really dark and this house is really scary. But then our ader cousin said “no” we are going to knock on the door so I said “fine but if I get scared more then I got scared at the other house then i’m blaming you” and then she said “okay”. But the house wasn’t really that scary and we got a lot of Candy which was good. But then we had to go home so when we got home we had a Halloween party and it was really cool and well they were having a Halloween party I was eating my Candy and enjoying it. But when I got full of eating some of my Candy I joined in with the Halloween party and I ate one piece of bacon and egg pie it was really yummy. But when I went inside I felt as sleepy as a pig then I fell asleep on the couch.
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